IPhone App Signing: A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain
얼마전에 Mac을 포멧을 하고 iPhone에 다가 샘플 프로그램 올릴려고 하니 자꾸 organizer에서
Close all your stuff except your webpage that should be logged into App Dev center.
open xcode click WINDOW > ORGANIZER > select "Provisioning Profiles" on left that should bring up your provisioning profiles. Highlight one by one (if more than 1), right click and delete profile. Yes just do it! Delete them all! (I kept making new one after new one trying to make the thing work)
From the first page you see after logging into the App Dev Center on the right side click iPHONE PROVISIONING PORTAL > (do not "launch assistant") instead click on the left side select CERTIFICATES > you will probably have just one line listed with your name/company - from there click on the right side REVOKE - click OK to verify that's what you want to do.
On the same page click DEVICES > click the box next to your device you are trying to provision and click REMOVE SELECTED > again click OK to verify.
Wait about 2 minutes to let Apple do their thing.
Click "iPhone Provising Portal" header (just under "@ Developer") this will take you the the home page of the developer program portal.
Click "Launch Assistant"
CREATE A NEW APP ID - call it whatever you want.. just make sure it's unique enough to know thats the one you just created because the others you've been messing with all day will not be deleted from Apples Dev Center.
You should be able to follow the rest of the assistant without troubles -- the main thing is you just had to delete your old provision profiles and start over.