WPF, Silverlight

How To Use a ListView or DataGrid In a ComboBox Drop Down (Without A Line Of Code)

Sunny's 2009. 4. 14. 15:57

Super cool new thing I learned today. In WPF, we can make it so that the drop down (popup) on a ComboBox displays the data in a ListView. Because of the fact that I believe the DataGrid will eventually overtake the ListView as the gold standard for data display in WPF, we’ll do it both ways.

This tutorial is done entirely in Blend and without a line of code.

Step 0) (for the DataGrid only)

Go to Code Plex and download the WPF Toolkit. Extract to a convenient location.

Right-Click on the References folder in your project tab and click “Add Reference…”


Navigate to the location you extracted the WPFToolkit.dll file, select it and hit OK.

Step 1) Select the ComboBox you wish to change and edit the ControlTemplate by right-clicking and selecting “Edit Control Parts (Template) –> Edit a Copy…”


Step 2) Find the ItemsPresenter. This is what would normally display our ItemsSource.


We’re going to get rid of it. And the ScrollViewer for good measure.

Step 3) Where the ScrollViewer is, put in a ListView or a DataGrid, whichever one you’re using.


Now, go the properties of that ListView or DataGrid and click on the box to the right of “ItemsSource”


and, in the resulting menu, select “Template Binding –> ItemsSource”.


Set the DataContext of the ListView or DataGrid to the DataContext of the parent ComboBox using the same process.

And… you’re done! Open the ComboBox and you will see that you can select items in the ListView or DataGrid in the ComboBox dropdown and see those items change the selection of the ComboBox.


You’ll notice that this is probably not yet an ideal solution. For example, when we select an item, the dropdown doesn’t automatically close. Your best bet is to use the SelectionChanged event to trigger some logic to close the ComboBox dropdown.

Tip For Finding Resources for a Control in generic.xaml

I’ve recently be working on changing the ControlTemplate of a GridViewColumnHeader in a custom ListView that we’ve been working on. (The ListView was rewritten for sorting, so that’s why it had to be custom.)

One of the things we had to do was swap out ControlTemplates so that we could display a caret to indicate ascending or descending lists. We ended up deciding on ControlTemplates over DataTemplates because the DataTemplates would only work for ListViews that had no custom DataTemplates for the headers. We’re doing all sorts of crazy stuff with our headers and we need to preserve our DataTemplates, so this wasn’t an option.

In any case, I was having no luck finding the resource when I named it this way:

<ControlTemplate x:Key="MyCustomControlTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type GridViewColumnHeader}">

I was using the following code to try and find the resource.

ControlTemplate myNewTemplate = (ControlTemplate)Resources["MyCustomTemplate"];

However, we were able to solve the problem by naming the resource this way

<ControlTemplate x:Key="{ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type local:MyCustomListView}, ResourceId=MyCustomControlTemplate}"
TargetType="{x:Type GridViewColumnHeader}">

And then using this code to access it.

ComponentResourceKey myCustomTemplateKey = new ComponentResourceKey(typeof(SortableListView), "MyCustomTemplate");
ControlTemplate myNewTemplate = (ControlTemplate)this.TryFindResource(myCustomTemplateKey);

Just thought I’d pass it along.

How to Assign ColumnHeaderContainerStyle and ColumnHeaderTemplate to a ListView Style

This is just a quick note on creating a ListView style with the appropriate GridView style and template assignments.

Normally, I’ve been creating listviews that look like this:

<ListView x:Name=”MyListView”
=”{DynamicResource MyListViewItemContainerStyle}”>
<GridView ColumnHeaderContainerStyle=”{DynamicResource MyListViewHeaderStyle}”
ColumnHeaderTemplate=”{DynamicResource MyGridColumnHeaderTemplate}”> 

I did this because I didn’t know exactly how to assign these styles and templates to the ListView Style. In the style, ColumnHeaderContainerStyle and ColumnHeaderTemplate are not properties of the ListView, they are properties of the GridView… which you can’t create a style for.

Instead, you can encapsulate all the information above in the following style.

<Style x:Key=”CustomListViewStyle” TargetType=”{x:Type ListView}”>
Setter Property=”GridView.ColumnHeaderContainerStyle” Value=”{DynamicResource MyListViewHeaderStyle}” />
<Setter Property=”GridView.ColumnHeaderTemplate” Value=”{DynamicResource MyGridColumnHeaderTemplate}” />
<Setter Property=”ItemContainerStyle” Value=”{DynamicResource MyListViewItemContainerStyle}” />

Problem solved.

How Do I Make a ListView or a ScrollViewer Left Handed?

Several months back, I was doing some work for a company that was using WPF for a stylus based application. One of the things that they found they needed was a scrollbar that could be used by left handed people who would have to cover the entire screen with their left hand in order to scroll a traditional scroll viewer.

The solution ended up being so easy in WPF that I thought I’d post it here.

I’m in a two-birds-one-stone mood, so we’ll do this for both the listview, which will also cover a more traditional scrollviewer. Let’s start with our ever friendly listview.

NormalListViewAt the very sight of this thing, with a stylus in hand, your average lefty is thinking to him or herself “I wonder if I can do my work upside down?” Let’s show them that we love and accept them just as they are.

The first thing we’re going to do is create a new template for this sucker, so right click on your listview and go to “Edit Control Parts (Template) -> Edit a Copy…


Now we’re looking at the standard listview template. Mine looks like this:

ListViewTemplateLet’s dig right into the ScrollViewer. If you’re doing this from the listview (like I am) then creating a template for the listview has already created a template for the scrollviewer. If you’re starting from a basic scrollviewer, you can pretty much start right here.

For the purposes of making this thing easy to work with in Blend, go ahead and set the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility and VerticalScrollBarVisibility to Visible.


And then “Edit Control Parts (Template) -> Edit a Copy…” (or “Edit Control Parts (Template) -> Edit Template” if it is available).

We are now looking at the guts of the ScrollViewer Control.

ListView ScrollViewer will look like this:

ListViewScrollTemplateThe normal ScrollViewer will look like this:


For our purposes, they’re functionally the same. It is actually a fairly simple control… basically just a Grid panel with the columns and rows set up like so:

      <ColumnDefinition Width=”*/>
      <ColumnDefinition Width=”Auto/>

      <RowDefinition Height=”*/>
      <RowDefinition Height=”Auto/>

The scrollBars are set up so that their visibility is tied to (duh) the visibility that is set on the control. But what this does is it means that when they are collapsed… they Grid reclaims the space that they were taking up.

Now… here’s the hilarious part… in order to make this ScrollViewer left handed, all you have to do is swap the Grid.Columns:

      <ColumnDefinition Width=”Auto/>
      <ColumnDefinition Width=”*/>

You’ve now switched the columns so that the left handed column is auto. Here’s a list of the Grid.Column realignments you’ll need to make:

Change Column to “1″:


  • PART_HorizontalScrollBar
  • All DockPanels (ListView only)
  • PART_ScrollContentPresenter (ScrollViewer only)
  • Corner (ScrollViewer only)

Change Column to “0″:


  • PART_VerticalScrollBar

Basically, swap everything from in the two columns.


FinalLeftyListViewIf you want to make this a more robust control, I recommend creating a ScrollViewer with an additional dependency property (IsSouthPaw or something). Make it so that your Grid has three columns:

      <ColumnDefinition Width=”Auto/>
      <ColumnDefinition Width=”*/>
      <ColumnDefinition Width=”Auto/>


And then you can just create a trigger that swaps the column placement of your PART_VerticalScrollBar. Such a trigger will look something like this. And by “something”, I mean “exactly”.

<Trigger Property=”IsSouthPawValue=”True>
      <Setter Property=”Grid.ColumnTargetName=”PART_VerticalScrollBar“  Value=”0/>

Go forth and make Ned Flanders proud.

By the way, I listen to pop punk whenever I write my tutorials and I just thought I should let Senses Fail know that they can probably get away with about 80% less “dying cat” screaming and still put out good music. You know… because they’re probably WPF programmers on the side and they’ll probably read this to solve all their left-handed scrollbar needs.

ListView (and ListBox) Performance Issues

I was working on one of my projects today and I noticed that one of our popups displaying search results in a ListBox was having really serious performance problems.  After determining that the problem was, in fact, on the WPF side of things, I was somewhat baffled. I wasn’t doing anything that I could think of that should be pushing the limit of what WPF could do.

 Finally, I went looking online for an answer and discovered a list of possible performance killers for the ListView (and ListBox) on Mark Shurmer’s blog. Chief among his no-no’s:

Embedding the ListView inside a StackPanel

Which is exactly what I was doing.

Why is this a problem? To answer that question, let’s take a look at the ItemsPanel at runtime using Snoop. When I place my ListBox into a Grid, here is what my ItemsPanel looks like:

Continue reading ‘ListView (and ListBox) Performance Issues’ »

How Do I Wrap Text in a ListView Header?

OK, it’s really late and I want to get this done, so we’re going to go through the easy way, which will require some XAML, but I’ll try to keep it as Blend-y as possible.

So you have a column header and you want the text inside to wrap when the header space gets too short for the content. Your header probably looks something like this:


First, go to wherever your resources are being held and type the following in:

<Style x:Key=”CustomHeaderStyle“ TargetType=”{x:Type GridViewColumnHeader}>

Continue reading ‘How Do I Wrap Text in a ListView Header?’ »

Embedded ListView Columns (Columns Within Columns)

Please Read: Strangely, when you do a Google search for “wpf” and “listview”, this is one of the top links. This is odd because this particular post is kind of an advanced tutorial. If you’re looking for more general information on styling the wpf listview, check out this post. It is probably much closer to what you’re looking for.

This is a bit of an advanced tutorial. I’m putting it up because I just figured out how to do it and I want to share. You can also download the project files for this tutorial (in zip format… requires .Net 3.5).

Recently, I received from my user experience designers a wireframe that looked something like this:


As you can see, there are embedded categories (categories within categories) here. I considered many solutions (hacks), but I found that a deeper understanding of the ListView and how it works would allow me to resolve this issue very simply (and without even touching the code behind). Continue reading ‘Embedded ListView Columns (Columns Within Columns)’ »

How do I style the ListView column gripper (also known as a “splitter” or a “seperator”)

I had a question from a reader in an earlier post on how to resize the ListView Gripper (seen below) so I wanted to address that in this quick post.


 Styling the gripper is actually pretty easy. First, take a look at my Styling the ListView Column Header post. Follow that along until you get to the template for the ColumnHeader (by the fifth image down).

You should have something that looks like this:


Now we’re going to ignore everything here except that little part at the bottom the “PART_HeaderGripper”

Continue reading ‘How do I style the ListView column gripper (also known as a “splitter” or a “seperator”)’ »

Styling the ListView Column Header

ListView header Styling is one of the most difficult styling pieces I’ve had to deal with. Part of this is because it is just another part of the seemingly endlessly complex listview. The other part is just because of the way the styling for the listview is put together in WPF.

In this post, we’re going to change the default color of the header (background and foreground) and make the headers look more like bubbles. Why? Because we can! (Everytime I say that, somewhere a usability expert loses a little bit of their soul.)

Take note that anything done in this will affect the whole header. If you’re looking to do something to one individual column in the header, you need to go to this post on ColumnHeaders (coming soon). See the bottom of this post for more details.

As a point of note, the easy way in this particular case involves going directly into the XAML and the hard way involves going through the steps in Blend. The easy way is posted at the bottom.

Now for the hard way. First, go to your listview, right click on it and go to:

Edit Control Parts (Template) -> Edit a Copy…

Continue reading ‘Styling the ListView Column Header’ »

Styling ListView Items Using Blend

So… you’ve got your listview and you want your items to look a certain way. In this post, we’ll look at changing as many things as we can inside the ListView ItemContainerStyle.

 First things first… getting to the ItemContainerStyle using Blend. With the ListView selected, go to the top menu and click:

 Edit Other Styles -> Edit ItemContainerStyle -> Create Empty…


Name your Style and you get tossed into Style editing. Here, you can do all sorts of great things, like… um… changing the background or something.

Continue reading ‘Styling ListView Items Using Blend’ »

출처 : http://www.designerwpf.com/category/listview/