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2011. 8. 8. 11:01 WPF, Silverlight

오늘은 Silverlight를 주제와 관련된 정보를 정리했습니다.
아래에 보는 링크는 Silverlight를 배울 수 있는 링크를 정리했습니다.

아래 내용만 잘 따라가셔도 충분한 기본 스킬을 확보 할 수 있을 만큼 좋은 자료들 입니다.

Silverlight 4 Business Apps: Module 1 - Introduction Hands On Labs
Silverlight 4 Business Apps: Module 2 - Event Manager using WCF RIA Service Hands On Labs
Silverlight 4 Business Apps: Module 3 - Authentication Validation, MVVM, Implicit Styles and RichTextBox Lab Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3.1 - Authentication Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3.2 - MVVM Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3.3 - Validation Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3.4 - implicit Style Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 3.5 - RichTextBox Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 4 - Webcam, Drag and Drop, and Clipboard Lab Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 4.1 - Webcam Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 4.2 - Drag and Drop in Silverlight Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 5 - DataGrid, Grouping Right Mouse Click Lab Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 5.1 - Grouping and Binding Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 5.2 - Layout Visual States Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 5.3 - Right Mouse Click Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 6 - Multipage Printing Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 6.1 - Printing and the ViewBox Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 6.2 - Multi Page Printing Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7 - Out of Browser, Toasts, native Integration Lab Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7.1 - Out of Browser Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7.2 - NotificationWindow(Toasts) for Elevated Trust Out of Browser Applications Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7.3 - Out of Browser Window Placement Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 7.4 - Out of Browser Trusted Application Overview Video
Silverlight Business Apps: module 8 - Advanced OOB, Custom Window Chrome, Silent Installs, Digital Signing, and MEF Lab Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8.1 - Custom Window Chrome for Elevated Trust out of Browser Applications Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8.2 - Window Closing Event for Out of Browser Applications Hands On Labs
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8.3 - Silent Install of Out of Browser Applications Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8.4 - Digitally Singing Out of Browser Applications Video
Silverlight Business Apps: Module 8.5 - The Value of MEF with Silverlight Video

아래 자료는 추가적인 Hands On Lab 입니다.

Silverlight RichTextBox Lab Hands On Labs
Silverlight Validation, Binding, DataFrom and DataGrid lab Hands On Labs
Webcam in Silverlight lab Hands On Labs
What's New in Silverlight 4 Hands On Labs
Multi Touch in Silverlight lab Hands On Labs
Out of Browser with COM Interop Lab Hands On Labs

앞으로도 자주 뵙겠습니다.

출처 : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/eva/archive/2011/08/08/eva-news-letter-2011-08-08-silverlight.aspx

posted by Sunny's
2010. 12. 17. 19:53 WPF, Silverlight

Important methods, properties for OOB in Silverlight

Application.IsRunningOutOfBrowser (Gets a value that indicates whether the application was launched from the out-of-browser state.)
Application.Install() (Attempts to install the application so that it can run outside the browser.)
Application.InstallState (Gets the current out-of-browser installation state of the application.)
InstallState Enumeration (Defines constants that indicate the installation state of an application that is configured to run outside the browser.)

A complete guidance on Out of Browser Support in Silverlight.

Where to find installed OOB applications?

A list of all silverlight applications is available in a hidden folder
C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Silverlight\OutOfBrowser\
Notice also a folder sibling …\Silverlight\is\ which is an isolated storage for running Silverlight apps.

Name of the files in this folder is done by the address of the location (e.g. localhost, microsoft.com). Most of these files are empty, but those which are installed for OOB mode has some information within. Open that file and you will see the ID of the application and the whole URL where the original (web version) is located. ID with name of file creates ApplicationID (e.g. 972856442.localhost, 3326975874.zdechovan.com) which we will use to launch our application in a section below.

How to launch a Silverlight OOB?

There is an application sllauncher.exe, that is used to launch Silverlight application in Out of Browser mode. This application is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe.

To run a silverlight application you have to pass some parameters to this sllauncher, if you try to run it without any of them, you’ll see the usage pattern:

  1. SLLauncher.exe [app_id] [debug] [/install:<file path to XAP>]   
  2. [/emulate:<file path to XAP>] [/overwrite] /origin:<original app uri>   
  3. /uninstall /shortcut:<desktop|startmenu|desktop+startmenu|none> [/pid]  

You can experiment with a lots of variations of parameters set up if you wish, for me, the most importat is to set a shortcut, which will launch our application. It’s because I experienced a problem, that after install from application the shortcut was corrupted and didn’t work.

Working shortcut should contain {path to sllauncher}/sllauncher.exe {ApplicationId} so for example C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe 972856442.localhost in my case.

If you want to debug your OOB application simply add a debug parameter.

I found an article Installing Silverlight applications without the browser involved by Tim Heuer about how to use  sllauncher to install/uninstall a silverlight application.

posted by Sunny's
2009. 10. 14. 11:40 WPF, Silverlight

Silverlight 도메인 간 정책(clientaccesspolicy.xml) 파일을 설정
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <allow-from http-request-headers="*">
        <domain uri="*"/>
        <resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/>

posted by Sunny's
2009. 3. 19. 13:07 WPF, Silverlight
posted by Sunny's
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