After some days of hard labor, I finished my cross site Ajax plugin for the prototype framework 1.5.0. (Download Plugin Here) While working on a new product of mine I realized I needed cross site Ajax, which is not supported in the Prototype framework.
During cross site Ajax requests the standard XmlHttpRequest approach breaks down. The problem is that XmlHttpRequest is bounded by the same site policy. Fortunately the script tag has the freedom to do as it pleases.
Some other libraries such as dojo and jquery do support the script method for doing Ajax. There is even a project on source-forge called COWS, which is dedicated to this purpose. This plugin is an adaptation of the jquery plugin, but modeled to look like an XmlHttpRequest. The credits of the original code go to Ralf S. Engelschall , which amazingly achieved to make it nicely cross browser compatible. This plugin supports FF, IE, Safari, Opera and Konqueror, but has only been properly tested in FF and IE.
Prototype’s structured way of doing Ajax was my main reason to choose the prototype framework. Furthermore it is also included in the great Symfony framework. In Prototype Ajax requests are written like this:
new Ajax.Request('myurl', {
method: 'GET',
crossSite: true,
parameters: Form.serialize(obj),
onLoading: function() {
//things to do at the start
onSuccess: function(transport) {
//things to do when everything goes well
onFailure: function(transport) {
//things to do when we encounter a failure
The cross site plugin simply allows you to do Ajax cross site, by specifying crossSite: true (line 3 of the above example). I will now cover some technical aspects of the plugin, but if you just want to start using it simply skip to the plug and play instructions below.
How it works – Technical Aspects
This plugin uses the dynamic script tag technique. This basically means that we insert new <script> tags into the Dom. Since this script tag is not bound to the same site you can send and receive data in the Ajax way. In its most basic form the javascript would be like this:
this.node = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
this.node.type = 'text/javascript';
this.node.src = '';
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0];
In order to make it very easy to use with Prototype, or any other library for that matter, I decided to mimic the functions of the XmlHttpRequest. This is easily achieved by implementing the functions open, send and onreadystatechange. Furthermore I needed to specify the variables readyState and status in order to support prototype’s onLoad, onSucces and onFailure.
Detecting the loading of a script element is not that easy. Browsers such as Safari and Konqueror simply give no indication of this at all. One common solution to dealing with this is to use an interval and perform a check. The work at TrainOfThoughts however takes the beautiful approach of inserting a helper script. This exploits the fact that the dynamically added scripts are executed in sequence. This approach makes the plugin nicely cross browser compatible.
Detecting failure is rather cumbersome for the script technique. As far as I know there is no way to read the headers on the incoming file, or to inspect its contents through javascript. This leaves us with the rather blunt approach of setting a global variable using the server output. It works, but it could be prettier.
Plug and Play implementation instructions
Firstly you need to load the plugin javascript file: download cross site ajax plugin for the prototype framework 1.5.0.
Secondly you need to change your regular prototype Ajax request, by ensuring that you instruct it to use the crossSite and GET methods, as such (observe line 2 and 3):
new Ajax.Request(baseurl+'/comment/giveratingjs', {
method: 'GET',
crossSite: true,
parameters: Form.serialize(obj),
onLoading: function() {
//things to do at the start
onSuccess: function(transport) {
//things to do when everything goes well
onFailure: function(transport) {
//things to do when we encounter a failure
Thirdly you might need to rewrite some of your javascript code to accommodate the instant execution of the scripts.
Fourthly, if you want to use onFailure for any of your scripts you need to send some javascript instructions back from the server. You need to do this both on success and on failure (since a global variable is used). This is the javascript variable you need to set:
'var _xsajax$transport_status = 200;' Or
'var _xsajax$transport_status = 404;'
Symfony specific tips
Symfony detects if it receives a XmlHttpRequest and automatically turns off your debug bar and layout. Unfortunately it is not so kind to the script technique. So in your action you need to do this manually:
sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false);
Furthermore your validation files by default only look at POST variables (this one tricked me). To instruct them to look at both, simply mention
methods: [post, get]
at the top of your validation.yml
Since you will probably want to send html to the browser, I would suggest you put this little function (found in the symfony escape helpers) in your toolbox.
public static function esc_js($value) {
return addcslashes($value, "\0..\37\\'\"\177..\377\/");
The dynamic script tag technique opens up a wide range of possibilities. Personally I am very glad with the results and would like to thank Ralf S. Engelschall for his superb cbc work. Unfortunately I didn’t include an example this time. You will have to wait for the products’ launch:). Comments and improvements are always appreciated. Enjoy your cross site scripting!
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