2011. 10. 27. 19:03
.NET Framework
출처 : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa394173(v=vs.85).aspx
The Win32_LogicalDisk WMI class represents a data source that resolves to an actual local storage device on a computer system running Windows.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order.
class Win32_LogicalDisk : CIM_LogicalDisk { uint16 Access; uint16 Availability; uint64 BlockSize; string Caption; boolean Compressed; uint32 ConfigManagerErrorCode; boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig; string CreationClassName; string Description; string DeviceID; uint32 DriveType; boolean ErrorCleared; string ErrorDescription; string ErrorMethodology; string FileSystem; uint64 FreeSpace; datetime InstallDate; uint32 LastErrorCode; uint32 MaximumComponentLength; uint32 MediaType; string Name; uint64 NumberOfBlocks; string PNPDeviceID; uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[]; boolean PowerManagementSupported; string ProviderName; string Purpose; boolean QuotasDisabled; boolean QuotasIncomplete; boolean QuotasRebuilding; uint64 Size; string Status; uint16 StatusInfo; boolean SupportsDiskQuotas; boolean SupportsFileBasedCompression; string SystemCreationClassName; string SystemName; boolean VolumeDirty; string VolumeName; string VolumeSerialNumber; };