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2010. 3. 10. 16:50 .NET Framework

FAQ:Installing NetAdvantage for .NET on Windows Vista

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Starting with NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0, Infragistics supports the use of NetAdvantage on 32-bit versions of the Windows Vista operating system. Starting with NetAdvantage for .NET 2007 Volume 1 for CLR 2.0, Infragistics also supports the use of NetAdvantage on 64-bit versions of Vista. There are a number of points to consider, however.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 (and older) are not supported for use on Windows Vista. Because of this, all NetAdvantage for .NET CLR 1.x installs are also not supported on Windows Vista. You may still install the standalone version of AppStylist on Vista.

To successfully install NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3, either User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled, or you must use the ".exe" file (instead of the ".msi") to install. UAC is enabled by default. Steps to disable UAC are provided below. To our knowledge, you may again enable UAC once the installation is complete, without affecting the behavior of the NetAdvantage for .NET toolset.

Administrator rights are required to install NetAdvantage for .NET, regardless of the version of the toolset you are installing. If you have UAC enabled, you must allow the installer to use administrative rights when the system requests them.

If you've installed Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 on Windows Vista, you must edit the system registry prior to running the NetAdvantage installer, whether for AppStylist 2006 Volume 3 for Windows Forms or for NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0. This step is not required for later versions of the NetAdvantage for .NET toolset.

Also, if you've installed IIS 7 on Windows Vista, regardless of the version of NetAdvantage for .NET or AppStylist you are installing, you must ensure that IIS 6 compatibility is enabled.

IMPORTANT: Also note that, for NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0, additional setup is required to run the ASP.NET Samples Browser in Vista, especially if you are using IIS 7.0. Please refer to the "Related Articles" section for more information.

Additional Information

If you attempt to install AppStylist 2006 Volume 3 for Windows Forms or NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0 without following the steps to update IIS, the typical error you will receive is:

Error 1606. Could not access network location %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\.

If you attempt to install NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3, NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2006 Volume 3, or NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2006 Volume 3 from the ".msi" file with UAC turned on, the installer may be unable to note that you are installing a licensed version (if installing with a license key), or to note when your trial period started (if installing as a trial). Either way, you may be unable to use the controls, since the licensing system of the toolset will interpret this as you attempting to use the controls after a trial period has expired. You may see a message similar to the below at design-time or compile-time:

NetAdvantage For Win Forms Trial Period Expired

For more information about the steps needed if using IIS 7.0 in Vista , please read the following blog entry by Scott Guthrie:
Please note that the above link was neither authored nor maintained by Infragistics.

Step-By-Step Example

Disable User Account Control (UAC)
Note: This task is only necessary for installing AppStylist 2006 Volume 3 for Window Forms or NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0. It is not required for later versions of either AppStylist or NetAdvantage for .NET.
1) Type "msconfig" in the Run From Start Menu to open "System Configuration".
2) Select the "Tools" Tab in System Configuration.
3) Select the "Disable UAC" tool and click on the "Launch" button.
4) Restart the computer. (This is required to reflect the updated settings.)

Optional) Once installation of NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 is completed, you should be able to enable UAC again, if you wish. The steps are the same as above, except you choose "Enable UAC" in step 3 instead. UAC seems to have no effect, whether enabled or disabled, on the behavior of NetAdvantage for .NET once the toolset is installed.

Edit the System Registry for Internet Information Services (IIS)
Note: This task is only necessary for installing AppStylist 2006 Volume 3 for Window Forms or NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0. It is not required for later versions of either AppStylist or NetAdvantage for .NET.

Please note that, as this involves modification of registry settings, Infragistics strongly recommends you back up your registry before making any changes.

1) Type "regedit" in the Run From Start Menu to open the "Registry Editor".
2) Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\PathWWWRoot
3) Change the value of this registry key from "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot" to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot". If your default website in IIS is instead stored in a different location, set the value of this registry key to that path instead.

If you are installing NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0 on a 64-bit version of Windows Vista, you will need to repeat steps 2 and 3 with the following registry key:

Enable IIS 6.0 Compatibility
1) Open "Control Panel" and ensure "Control Panel Home" is the current view.
2) Click the "Uninstall a program" link from the Programs menu item.
3) Select "Turn Windows features on or off" from the Tasks menu.
4) Expand the "Internet Information Services" node, followed by the "Web Management Tools" node.
5) Check the "IIS 6 Management Compatibility" node. Ensure the nodes under this are checked as well.

IMPORTANT: For information on setting up the ASP.NET Samples Browser on Windows Vista for NetAdvantage for .NET 2006 Volume 3 for CLR 2.0, please refer to this related Knowledge Base article.

출처 : http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=9983

posted by Sunny's
2010. 3. 4. 13:20 .NET Framework


When installing NetAdvantage on your machine, you may run into an error that says either “Error 1606. Could not access network location %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\” or “Error 1606. Could not access network location \inetpub\wwwroot\”

Additional Information

To work around this error, a registry key needs to be modified. Please note that Infragistics strongly recommends you back up your registry before making any changes.

1) Type "regedit" in the Run From Start Menu dialog box to open the "Registry Editor".
2) Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\PathWWWRoot
3) Change the value of this registry key from "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot" or " \inetpub\wwwroot\" to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot". If your default website in IIS is instead stored in a different location, set the value of this registry key to that path instead.

출처 : http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=10058

posted by Sunny's
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